LMT Network Digest - November 2022

November 13, 2022

The simple things are perhaps the things we have missed the most over the last few years.

  • Gathering together; praying together.
  • Sharing life; sharing stories.
  • Encouraging, and being encouraged.
  • Learning and growing in community.

We're out of practice. We may have forgotten the art (and the work!) of how to gather with intentionality.

As a network, LMT exists to encourage, to pray, to learn, to be community. Together. But that's hard to do without gathering.

So let's gather!!!

This is an invitation to ALL of us who are involved in Muslim ministry to make time and contribute energy to gather together in January 2023. We are a national network, but rather than holding a national gathering, lets gather in our local expressions--from Halifax to London to Winnipeg to Vancouver.

Together again. For some Network communities a restart. For other Network communities a renewing and expanding.

This is our request:

  • Pick up the phone (or email, or text) and connect with those in Muslim ministry that you know in your city.
  • Invite them to come together in January. Ask them to help host…
  • Agree on a date & time.
  • Agree on a space.

Invite everyone you know involved in Muslim ministry. Get them to invite everyone they know…

Invite everyone you know who has left Islam to follow Jesus. Get them to invite everyone they know…

Invite everyone you know who is interested in Muslim ministry. Get them to invite others they know.

Come together to celebrate that you're not alone in this work.

Come together to listen to each other's stories.

Come together to pray for each other and for ministry to Muslims.

The LMT national leadership's commitment to you:

  • We'll offer some stories of what we've been doing nationally.
  • We'll offer some encouraging stories of fruit.
  • We'll offer some research resources for your city if you let us know you're meeting.

Will you?

We'll support you every way we can.

But let's gather!

Lorna Johnston,

LMT National Chairman

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Discover opportunities across the Network that encourage, equip and connect.





I'm a young Iranian girl who came to Canada to study here. I got to know Samira, a new Iranian believer who herself came to know Christ through the Persian ministry in our city, and Samira shared her new faith with me.



Network Life

Network Life

A few weeks ago  I attended a demonstration downtown - the fifth such rally in 6 weeks protesting recent atrocities committed by the Iranian regime.





This month's featured resource is 'The People of God Series,' by David W Shenk 



Subscribe Prayer Resources Monthly Call to Prayer

Pray for Your Mosque Community

Monthly Prayer Focus
Mosque communities are often the target of hate and racism, but we are called to love. Perhaps the most loving thing we can do is to pray. Use this monthly blog to help inspire prayers of love and compassion for those who call your neighbourhood mosque their home.
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No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion.

Nelson Mandela

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength and all your mind. And your neighbor as yourself.
