November 12, 2023
The LMT Resource Circle team is recommending the Al Massira course.
The following description was taken from

"The name Al Massira means “the journey”, and it was developed by a group of friends in the Middle East who wanted to create an ‘open place’ where ideas can be shared honestly and freely, discussion enjoyed and questions asked. It is a good opportunity to make new friends, explore the prophet stories and to think about the big questions of life. You will meet other people who are seeking spiritual truth.
The Al Massira course gives a unique opportunity to explore the Prophet stories and talk about the big questions in life.
- Why is the world in such turmoil?
- Where is God in my problems and struggles?
- Does God listen when I pray?
We invite you to join thousands around the world who have taken the Al Massira journey. If you are interested in joining an Al Massira Group to experience the journey – please contact us."
For more information please go to