September 29, 2021
The LMT Resource Circle team is reccomending Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus: A Devout Muslim Encounters Christianity, by Nabeel Qureshi.

Nabeel states the purpose of the book: “…this book is more than just my testimony. It is designed with three purposes in mind:
To tear down walls by giving non-Muslim readers an insider’s perspective into a Muslim’s heart and mind… it is my prayer that by entering my world, you will come to understand your Muslim neighbour, so you can love him as yourself.
To equip you with facts and knowledge, showing the strength of the case for the Gospel in contrast with the case for Islam. History powerfully testifies to the foundational pillars of the gospel: Jesus’s death on the cross, His resurrection from the dead, and His claim to be God. Although this book is far too short to share all the facts and arguments I learned over the years … it provides the contours of what I came to grasp and how they led me away from Islam toward Jesus.
To portray the immense inner struggle of Muslims grappling with the gospel, including sacrifices and doubts … it is in the midst of this struggle that god is known to reach people directly through visions and dreams.”
The book can be purchased at
Study for Small Groups

Building on the powerful story and arguments he shares in his book, Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, Nabeel Qureshi takes viewers deeper into apologetics and evangelism among Muslims with this complete video-based study.
In eight sessions of about 30 minutes each, Nabeel explores Muslim culture, the most common Muslim objections to Christianity, and the core doctrines upon which Islam stands or falls.
The DVD series and study guide can be purchased at