December 7, 2021

In the Muslim community, the meaning of names is very important. "Names with virtuous meanings are believed to inspire a righteous way of life and to confer blessings on the child. It is reported in the Hadith that: “On the Day of Resurrection, you will be called by your names and by your fathers’ names, so give yourselves good names." ('Muslim Baby Names Are Full of Meaning' - to view the full article click here).

The theme of light has particular relevance during the Christmas season, often called a season of light. Using the meaning of names and the theme of light, one of our Network leaders has been able to have meaningful conversation with those of Muslim faith.  

“Two months ago, God opened a door for me to have 'seasoned-with-salt' conversation with a barber named, Khalid. His name means "eternity" so I shared a gem of wisdom about God planting eternity in the human heart. (Eccl. 3:11) If you wish to read more details this story is available online here

This week I had another special encounter at a customer service desk at Canadian Tire. I noticed the service attendant wore a badge with the name, 'Nur'.  Ten years ago, I knew a girl named Noor-Jahan meaning 'light of the world' so I made a pleasant remark about this woman's name and asked if her name means light to which she heartily responded in the affirmative.  

I then told her that I have a lovely picture of a sunrise which I promptly took out of my pocket and showed her. I explained that it's part of a meditation on the theme of light. Seeing how she enjoyed the photo, I told her to keep it for which she was grateful. I'm praying that God will work in her heart and make her curious to learn more about Jesus, the light of the world. Interestingly, Nur came to Canada from Bangladesh, one of the least reached nations on earth! It is such a joy when the Lord presents an opportunity for witness. As Christmas ('season of light') approaches my prayer is that every believer will experience this joy.  

Did you know that the names Luke and Lucy mean light or brightness? (Also, Dawn, Eileen, Elaine, Ellen, Elenore, Helen, Sanaa, Senna, Aaron, Selena, Estella) In fact, every culture has names that correlate with light. Two weeks ago, while driving a South African friend to the airport, I asked him what his Zulu name means and he replied, “Bringer of light.” I have written a number of thoughtful, heart-warming meditations and tracts on the themes of eternity and light available online here.” 

Another Network leader also uses Christmas as an opportunity to tell her Muslim friends the story of Christmas, and encourages Christians: “They (Muslims) can’t believe in Jesus as Savior if they have never heard the story of Him. Why not try to tell the story to one Muslim friend this Christmas?” To view the full article ‘Telling the Christmas Story’ click here

Christmas outreach events and activities will be happening across Canada during the Christmas season. There are many ways you can get involved.  

Here are some ideas:  

  • Invite a Muslim friend to share a Christmas meal with your family: most Muslims living in Canada have never been invited into a Christian home. Take this as an opportunity to share the love of Jesus with your Muslim friend and their family. Check out this article on ‘How to host Muslim friends during the holiday season.’ 
  • Every year, the Jesus Network in Toronto give out hundreds of Christmas Baskets and thousands of Jesus DVDs. We encourage you to get involved and help the Jesus Network 'Give Christmas' to thousands! 
  • The Scarborough Chinese Alliance Church in the greater Toronto area has been engaging and caring for their South Asians Muslim friends for the past 10 years. Through virtual and in-person programs they build long-term relationship with their friends and share the love of Christ. This Christmas they will be reaching out to Muslims in their community with God’s love through events at their church. If you want to get involved, please contact the church office at  

These are just a brief sampling of the many outreach activities that are happening across Canada during the Christmas season. Join in and help the one near you, and pray with us for many good connections to be made that, in due time, lead to fruit.  



About Loving Muslims Together

Loving Muslims Together exists because God’s love, demonstrated through Jesus Christ, is for Muslims. We function as local networks across Canada. We work to connect people and churches to opportunities, training and resources to help them build bridges to their Muslim neighbours, living out God’s love in word and deed.

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No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion.

Nelson Mandela

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength and all your mind. And your neighbor as yourself.
