Praying for Winnipeg

August 14, 2019

Winnipeg, Manitoba Quick Facts:
Population 700,000
11% Aboriginal
8.7% Filipino

1.7% Muslim

According to Winnipeg has 12 mosques and 2 Islamic schools.

According to Outreach Canada’s church database, Winnipeg has over 240 churches.

Winnipeg, located close to the geographical east-west centre of Canada at the intersection of the Red and Assiniboine rivers, was a major trading centre for Aboriginal people and later became a French fort. It is known as the Gateway to the West with its international airport and its role as an international hub. 

The Winnipeg LMT Network leadership team is encouraging churches in Winnipeg to demonstrate and share the good news of Jesus with their Muslims neighbors and work colleagues; to promote prayer and training to engage with them; and to challenge churches to focus on a specific mosque community for their prayer and actions of friendship. 


  • For the LMT Network leadership team as they help churches recognize and engage with the Muslim community in meaningful ways. 
  • For the churches and individuals who are presently involved on a regular basis in contact with Muslims through kind deeds and in sharing the truths of the gospel of Grace. 
  • For God to open up the hearts of Muslims in Winnipeg, particularly those who have active interaction with Christians in the city, so that they will be ready to receive the message of the Gospel. 
  • For the integration of the Muslim-background believers into the churches of Winnipeg and for their spiritual growth as followers of Jesus. 

About Loving Muslims Together

Loving Muslims Together exists because God’s love, demonstrated through Jesus Christ, is for Muslims. We function as local networks across Canada. We work to connect people and churches to opportunities, training and resources to help them build bridges to their Muslim neighbours, living out God’s love in word and deed.

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Pray for Your Mosque Community

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Mosque communities are often the target of hate and racism, but we are called to love. Perhaps the most loving thing we can do is to pray. Use this monthly blog to help inspire prayers of love and compassion for those who call your neighbourhood mosque their home.
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No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion.

Nelson Mandela

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength and all your mind. And your neighbor as yourself.
