Praying during Ramadan

For over 30 years the global church has prayed during Ramadan, the Muslim holy month of fasting, that as Muslims are diligent in their ritual prayers and fasting, God would reveal Himself and draw them to Himself. God has been answering our prayers, as more Muslims are coming to the Lord these days than ever before in history!

30 Days of Prayer for Muslims in CANADA. A daily prayer booklet with a short introduction and prayer points that focuses on the real needs of your Muslim neighbours in Canada.


We offer the prayer booklet in many languages: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, and Korean (see links on the right sidebar).

Prayer points


CANADIAN Resources


You can download the PDF of the LMT 30 Days of Prayer for Muslims in CANADA prayer booklet (many languages) or click on the subscribe button above to receive the prayer points daily in your inbox (English version only).


30 Days of Prayer for Muslims in CANADA (English)


30 Days of Prayer for Muslims in CANADA (French) *Coming Soon!


30 Days of Prayer for Muslims in CANADA (Spanish) 


30 Days of Prayer for Muslims in CANADA (Portuguese) *Coming Soon!


30 Days of Prayer for Muslims in CANADA (Cantonese) *Coming Soon!


30 Days of Prayer for Muslims in CANADA (Mandarin) *Coming Soon!


30 Days of Prayer for Muslims in CANADA (Korean) *Coming Soon!


GLOBAL Resources


30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World


Prayercast Praying for Muslims



Subscribe Prayer Resources

Pray for Your Mosque Community

Monthly Prayer Focus
Mosque communities are often the target of hate and racism, but we are called to love. Perhaps the most loving thing we can do is to pray. Use this monthly blog to help inspire prayers of love and compassion for those who call your neighbourhood mosque their home.
Monthly Prayer Guide Newest R
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No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion.

Nelson Mandela

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength and all your mind. And your neighbor as yourself.
