LMT Weekly Friday Prayer Gatherings During Ramadan 2025
LMT & Partners Event
Date / February 28 - March 28 (Fridays)
Location / Online

During RAMADAN, the Muslim holy month, Muslims around the world pray and fast seeking God's favor and approval. As Muslims enter a season of prayer and fasting during this month, let’s also enter a season of prayer and fasting. For 30 years, around the world, Christians have set aside these 30 days of Ramadan to pray specifically for Muslims.
Ramadan will start on the evening of February 28 and will end on the evening of March 29. We invite you to set aside this month as a season of prayer and gather online with us to pray once a week, every Friday, from February 28 until March 28, 2025.
We will be using the LMT 30 Days of Prayer for Muslims in CANADA prayer booklet and the Prayercast - Love Muslims Videos to pray for Muslims in our neighbourhoods and communities accross Canada.
We will meet for one hour on Zoom at:
- 8am PDT/11am EDT – hosted by Edward Powell
- 5pm PDT/8pm EDT – hosted by Judy Dancer
Hopefully one or several of those time slots will work with your schedule.
Please click HERE to let us know that you would like to join us in prayer and to receive the Zoom link.
If you’re not able to join us at those time, then please do set aside time during the day to prayerfully listen to the Lord, perhaps with others at a time that is mutually agreeable.
God is at work in the Muslim world. Join him through your prayers.
Contact us at info@lmtn.ca if you have any questions about this event.